Validator Responsibilities

Validators on the Ramestta Network must:

  • Ensure the network is available to users at all times. Ramestta nodes are measured by the number of checkpoint transactions they have signed.

    Polygon's testnet receives a checkpoint transaction approximately every 10-30 minutes. In the Ramestta network, all validators must sign the checkpoint transaction.

    In the absence of a signed checkpoint transaction, your validator node's performance will decrease.

  • Monitorize processes daily to find and address any issues that may arise from its activity. Regular checks of the services and processes associated with Heimdall and Bor are essential to ensure their smooth functioning. Nodes should perform these checks daily to identify and address any issues that may arise.

    Additionally, pruning of nodes should be carried out regularly to minimize disk usage. This involves removing unnecessary data from the blockchain to reduce the size of the blockchain data stored on the node's disk. This helps optimize the performance and efficiency of the node, ensuring it can operate at peak performance.

  • Ensure network is running correctly and efficiently.

  • Have between 5-10 MATIC on the signer address to sign and propose checkpoints. Minimum MATIC is needed to sign and propose checkpoint transactions on the Polygon mainnet. Not having a minimum amount of MATIC may result in delays in the transactions and checkpoint submission.

  • Be transparent with commission rates.

  • Report any issues and provide feedback or suggestions to us.

Last updated