
Run a Sentry Node from Binaries


build-essential installed on both the sentry and the validator machines.

To install:

sudo apt-get install build-essential

Go 1.18 installed on validator machine.

To install:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ramestta-Blockchain/launch/master/go-install.sh
bash go-install.sh
sudo ln -nfs ~/.go/bin/go /usr/bin/go

Docker and RabbitMQ to install on validator machines.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install rabbitmq-server

To install sublime-text:

sudo snap install sublime-text --classic

Installing Heimdall:

Heimdall is the proof-of-stake verifier layer responsible for checkpointing the representation of the Plasma blocks to the Ramestta mainnet.

Clone the Heimdall repository👍

git clone https://github.com/Ramestta-Blockchain/heimdall
cd heimdall
make build
make install
cd ~
source ~/.bashrc

Check the Heimdall installation:

heimdalld version --long


Before proceeding, Heimdall should be installed on both the sentry and validator machines.

Installing Bor​

Bor is the sidechain operator that acts as the block production layer, which syncs with Heimdall to select block producers and verifiers for each span and sprint.

Clone the Bor repository👍

git clone https://github.com/Ramestta-Blockchain/bor
cd bor

Install Bor:

make bor-all

Create symlinks:

sudo ln -nfs ~/bor/build/bin/bor /usr/bin/bor
sudo ln -nfs ~/bor/build/bin/bootnode /usr/bin/bootnode

Check the Bor installation:

bor version


Before proceeding, Bor should be installed on both the sentry and validator machines.

Setting Up Node Files:

Node files need to be set up on both the sentry and validator machines.

Fetching the launch repository​

Clone the launch repository:

git clone https://github.com/Ramestta-Blockchain/launch

Setting up the launch directory​

On the validator machine​

Create a node directory:

mkdir -p node

Copy the files and scripts from the launch directory to the node directory:

cp -rf launch/testnet-v1/sentry/sentry/* ~/node
cp launch/testnet-v1/sentry-service.sh ~/node

Setting up the network directories:

Setting up Heimdall​

Change to the node directory:

cd ~/node/heimdall

Run the setup script:

bash setup.sh

Setting up Bor​

Change to the node directory:

cd ~/node/bor

Run the setup script:

bash setup.sh

show enode:

bootnode -nodekey ~/.bor/data/bor/nodekey -writeaddress

Run the setup script:

bash setup.sh

Setting Up the Services:

Run this section both on the sentry and validator machines.

Navigate to the node directory:

cd ~/node

Run the setup script:

bash sentry-service.sh

Copy the service file to the system directory:

sudo cp *.service /etc/systemd/system/

Starting the Heimdall service​

You will now start the Heimdall service on the validator machine. Once the Heimdall service syncs, you will start the Bor service on the validator machine.

Start the Heimdall service:

sudo service heimdalld start

Start the Heimdall rest-server:

sudo service heimdalld-rest-server start

Check the Heimdall service logs:

journalctl -u heimdalld.service -f

Check the Heimdall rest-server logs:

journalctl -u heimdalld-rest-server.service -f

Check the sync status of Heimdall:

curl localhost:26657/status

In the output, the catching_up value is:

  • true — the Heimdall service is syncing.

  • false — the Heimdall service is synced.

Wait for the Heimdall service to fully sync.

Starting the Bor service​

Once the Heimdall service on the validator machine syncs, start the Bor service on the validator machine.

Start the Bor service:

sudo service bor start

Check the Bor service logs:

journalctl -u bor.service -f

Service to Auto Start After Server Crash/Reboot

sudo systemctl enable heimdalld
sudo systemctl enable heimdalld-rest-server
sudo systemctl enable bor

Last updated